HSA: OARS in the Water






United States

Healing Story Alliance presents “Looking to Your North Star” hosted by Penny Post& Galen Brandt

Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00-8:30pm EST

Click on the link to enter the Zoom gathering on December 11: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84757183292?pwd=WENjdm53c3hRb0owQmZuK045M0FKQT09

What offers you refuge and reassurance — brings you soul-satisfying happiness? Maybe some form of social mission guides you. Perhaps contemplating a painting, creating a story, cultivating a garden, celebrating a winning game lightens your spirit. Together let’s explore what gives you joy.

About our Hosts for December 11th

Penny Post has a BA in English from Wellesley College, and an MFA in creative writing from Lesley College.  For 30 years she told stories and gave workshops in the business world all over southern California through Toastmasters, coaching clients in both speaking and writing.  Her day job was technical writing.  In 2007 she came home to New England, earned the MFA, and now teaches storytelling at her senior residence community. She is a member of both the Healing Story Alliance programming Committee and the HSA Advisory Committee.

Galen R. Brandt is a writer, storyteller, songwriter and singer.  She’s been an award-winning composer for Disney, Little Golden Books & Tapes and others, a corporate speechwriter, a cultural journalist, and a marketing expert for Fortune 500 companies and the Franklin Mint.  She pioneered the exploration and use of interactive virtual reality technologies as an alternative healing modality in live performance, arts and education, especially in the area of special needs.  She’s now writing two musicals, “The Piglet Opera” and “The Memory Box.” Galen serves on the HSA Advisory Committee, the HSA Programming Committee, and is chair of the OARS in the Water program.

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