Sara deBeer Featured at The Story Space online, Tue 08/06/2024






The Story Space Online
Every Tuesday from 6:45-9:00 P.M. EDT
Please Note: We are now on EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), 4 hours behind GMT, or UTC-4

Sara deBeer:

Sara deBeer will tell, “Tales of Transformation“: Traditional stories from the time before this time, when life was more fluid and creatures might shift from one shape to another.

Sara’s great love is telling traditional folktales from world cultures. Listeners discover the richness of each individual culture while also appreciating the universality of human experiences. Sara is also a published poet; she teaches poetry-writing classes for Beat of The Street (BOTS), a program for people who are homeless or who have experienced homelessness.

Feature’s website:

The Story Space runs every Tuesday Night from 6:45 – 9:00 PM EDT

Signup for Open Telling (8-minute slots) starts at 6:45 P.M. EDT.

Open Telling starts at 7:00 P.M. EDT sharp.

Followed by the Featured Teller at around 8:00 P.M. EDT.

“Programs Subject to Change”

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