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Showcase Performance: From Little Things Big Things Grow

Presented as part of NSN’s 2022 Earth Up Conference With Kiran Shah, Jo Henwood, Jillian Webster Australian storytellers bring a blend of story and history to show how one person (or wombat!) can influence a neighbourhood, a community, or a whole country. Kiran Shah, Jo Henwood and Jill Webster aim to entertain, educate, and renew […]

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Strong Medicine

by Laura Simms. A strong disease needs a strong medicine. – Mende proverb, Sierra Leone For 10 years, an unimaginable atrocity of civil war took place in Sierra Leone, a West African country, previously known for its hospitality, natural beauty and kind people. Hearing about what occurred there from the lips of children forced to

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Jack My Hedgehog

 BZ Smith says: I’m looking for Transgender material, and am trying to get started on a piece centered on Prince Hedgehog…born in unlovable skin, so to speak. Just starting on this. I have a transgender family member & want to work on the piece as a tribute to this unparalleled act of courage. There was

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Collaborations with Theatres

March 2007             by Kate Dudding   At the 2006 Sharing the Fire, the storytelling conference presented by the League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling, Jo Radner gave an excellent keynote challenging us to come up with ways to raise storytelling to the same level as music and theatre. Her keynote got me thinking. 

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I Want To Have a Storytelling Event Within a Park System – Now What?

Producer: Bev Twillmann (, Finding the Correct Site Convincing the Park (Whether National, State or Local) WHO to contact Examine your desire closely as to why you want to begin an event.  Try and connect with a reason for the Park (you are thinking about as a site) to have this event. Example: Haunting

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