HSA OARS in the Water






OARS In The Water

Wednesday, September 27th
7:00 – 8:30 pm EDT – Online
Hosted by: Sara deBeer and Donna Marie Kuczynski
Theme: The Neighborhoods of Our Lives

Remember the neighborhood you grew up in? Or the one you nurtured inside yourself if your external neighborhood was not comfortable or safe? We’ll come together to explore our inner and outer neighborhoods and how they have affected who we are.

Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Web Link: https://healingstoryalliance.org/oars/

About our Hosts for September 27th

Sara deBeer’s great love is telling traditional folktales from world cultures. Since 1978, Sara has been telling these stories to audiences of all ages. A listener said, “Sara is a captivating storyteller, sensitive to her audience and their interests.  Her extensive repertoire enables her to present programs on a wide variety of themes.”  Sara is a published poet who also teaches poetry-writing classes. In 2004, she was awarded the Barbara Reed Award for Distinguished and Outstanding Service to the Connecticut Storytelling Community. http://storydebeer.com/

Donna Marie Kuczynski writes, “When I first decided to tell a story instead of read one, I wasn’t sure about the whole idea; but I remembered loving the stories that my grandmother (Katie Corcoran Barry) told me, so I started with one of hers and added a few details of my own.  Telling stories isn’t easier than reading books, storytelling is a completely different art.  Storytelling is a responsive art form.” Donna Marie won the 2002 National Storytelling Network “Oracle” award, North Central Region for exemplary service and significant contributions to the community through storytelling.

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