Upcoming NSN Events

The main focus will be about the effectiveness of hybrid programming for storytelling events and organizations (hybrid = in-person and virtual elements mixed together). It will NOT be a “how-to” or technical workshop on how to do hybrid events.  Many people assume that “hybrid is good” and necessary, but what we’re finding as producers of storytelling events is that it’s not necessarily good for all organizations or events (or for individuals who make a living doing storytelling shows). 

Our three speakers will talk about their experiences with it, and give their thoughts on how it can be used most effectively for the future:

  • Heather Forest will talk about challenges, lessons learned, and why it worked (or didn’t) for the NSN conference in 2024.
  • Claire Hennessy will talk about her experiences having done lots of hybrid shows for her organization, and when she thinks it is most effective. 
  • Rachel Hedman will also talk about her many experiences, but she will also talk about other sorts of possibilities for virtual programming (some of which may be hybrid).

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