National Storytelling Network

“The National Storytelling Network brings together and supports individuals and organizations that use the power of story in all its forms.
We advocate for the preservation and growth of the art of storytelling.”
Mission Statement – NSN Bylaws

NSN Call for Proposals

Georgia 2025 National Storytelling Conference

July 17-20, 2025
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia

This year’s proposals are being completed on a Google form.
Please use the link below to access this form.

Proposal Submission Form Link

Deadline for Proposals is October 7, 2024

If any questions, contact Rishi Nixon at 

NSN Member Grants – Will you help?

Fall Auction 2024

We’ve received 45 items! Thanks so much to all our donors.

However, last year the auction had over 100 items. We would really appreciate more items since the auction proceeds will support NSN’s Member Grants program next year.

So, we’ve extended to donation deadline by a week. If you haven’t donated already, we hope you’ll find something you can donate. Go to to see what other storytellers have donated. (Not all of the donated items are online right now.)
To add an item, click on this link:

Kate Dudding and Marilyn McPhie, Auction Co-Chairs

NSN Collaborative Network

Organizations that work with NSN to Promote Storytelling

Click images below to visit websites

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