HSA OARS in the Water






OARS in the Water

May 8th

7:00pm-8:30pm EST

Hosted by Elisa Pearmain & Joel Ying

Theme: Creating Safe Space for Story

What helps you feel safe to share stories? What helps others feel safe to share stories? How can we create more safe spaces for story? Let’s explore these questions together.

OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month offered by Healing Story Alliance to create a listening space to share the experiences and stories that have emerged through turbulent times. This is not a therapeutic circle but we do hope it will be healing, supportive and inspiring.

Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Your tax-deductible donation can be made here: https://square.link/u/d9xbGN2I

We’ll gather via Zoom. Here is the NEW link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84757183292?pwd=WENjdm53c3hRb0owQmZuK045M0FKQT09

 About our Hosts for May 8th

 Elisa Pearmain has been telling stories professionally since 1987, and always with a penchant for the many healing benefits of story. She is the award-winning author of 52 Wisdom Tales from Around The World, Once Upon a Time: Storytelling to Teach Character and Prevent Bullying, and the double CD Forgiveness: Telling Our Stories in New Ways. Elisa is also a Psychotherapist in private practice, is on the Advisory Board of the Healing Story Alliance and is chair of the HSA Programming Committee.

Dr. Joel Ying is a Physician-Educator-Storyteller. In this age of information, it is not the facts and figures that inspire, but rather it is the power of story to create emotion and move us into action. Believing in the powerful medicine of story, Dr. Joel teaches “Storytelling as Healing” and produces events at Florida Gulf Coast University. He performs regularly with an eclectic collection of world folk tales and personal stories.


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