OARS in the Water




OARS in the Water: Looking Back to Go Forward hosted by Mike Seliger and Barbara Aliprantis

Wednesday, December 27th at 7-8:30 pm EST – Online

As the calendar turns from a tumultuous 2023 to the uncertainty of a new year, wisdom found in past experiences and stories can be helpful as we look ahead. Barbara and Mike, two old friends, will reflect on past moments that enabled them to move forward with love, hope and humor, inviting participants to share at this special time…

OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month offered by Healing Story Alliance to create a listening space to share the experiences and stories that have emerged through turbulent times. This is not a therapeutic circle but we do hope it will be healing, supportive and inspiring. Please join us! Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Your tax deductible donation can be made here:   https://square.link/u/d9xbGN2I

We’ll gather via Zoom. Here is the NEW link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84757183292?pwd=WENjdm53c3hRb0owQmZuK045M0FKQT09

 About our Hosts for Dec. 27th

Mike Seliger, a self-described “Creative Communicator” is a long-time member of the Healing Story Alliance Advisory Committee. He utilizes his training in Mime/Physical Performance, Clowning, and Storytelling, as well as Writing and Training skills, to educate, motivate, and empower individuals, communities, and organizations. He is now retired from a lengthy career as a Dean for Planning at Bronx Community College, and as Consultant to educational and community organizations across the country.

Barbara Aliprantis, born in Greece, longtime New Yorker who has now emigrated to Natick, MA, has been telling and living stories for most of her life, including telling in American Sign Language. She has received the Oracle Award from the National Storytelling Network, and the Brother Blue and   Ruth Hill   award from Northeast Storytelling (NEST). She was the founder of New York STORY Exchange, hosting   storytelling at the Cornelia Street Cafe for many years. She is currently a board member of NEST.

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