Rona Barbour Featured at The Story Space online, Tue 10/10/2023






The Story Space online
Every Tuesday from 6:45-9:00 P.M. EST
Note: We are on EST (Eastern Standard Time), 5 hours behind GMT, or UTC-5

To attend:
1) Go to and
2) in the banner click on “Meeting Invitation”
(a new one will be posted every Tuesday by noon EST.
Otherwise, there will be a placeholder message.)

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There is an $8 requested donation:
(There is no entry fee. You can donate at any time).

Rona Barbour:
One of 8 siblings born to registered blind parents, Rona, a multi-award-winning storyteller has been writing and telling stories since childhood. She is an accredited storytelling tutor and has worked in schools and Universities in the UK and as far afield as Russia and with the American Art Therapy Association in the US. Rona is passionate about how storytelling can and does change lives, especially for the young.
Feature’s website:
Feature’s facebook page:
Feature’s World Storytelling Cafe:

There is an $8 requested donation.

The Story Space runs every Tuesday Night from 6:45 – 9:00 P.M. EST.

Storytelling of all types and styles, in a friendly, cooperative venue where seasoned tellers and newcomers alike are received with full attention.
There are no content restrictions, other than prohibiting deliberately offensive language.
Try out a new story, spin an old favorite, or just listen.
No Topics. No Competition. No Judging. Just Stories.
In the spirit of Brother Blue.

There is an $8 requested donation.
Signup for Open Telling (8-minute slots) starts at 6:45 P.M. EST.
Open Telling starts at 7:00 P.M. EST sharp.
Followed by the Featured Teller at around 8:00 P.M. EST.

To learn more, or be on our mailing list:
“Programs Subject to Change”

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