Taking a Leap in the Southern Hemisphere

told by Connie Regan-Blake

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It was great fun bringing this true life adventure to the stage. I have done a good bit of traveling – (47 states and 16 countries so far – but who’s counting!) and I find I am drawn to tell about those experiences.  When I am working with others on their storytelling skills – in workshops or private coaching – one of the aspects I focus on when telling personal stories is ’embodying’ and ‘re-calling’ the feelings and emotions; ‘remembering’ the lived experience of the event, calling on our 5 senses.  So that for me, telling the story is getting the chance to relive it.  And in this particular story, that is exhilarating!

This recording is from the 2010 “National Story Night” in Jonesborough, TN. There is a great line-up of tellers for this year’s fund raising event. Hope to see you there.  And if you can’t make it – you can still contribute and help encourage storytelling in communities around the country.

About Connie

One of America’s most celebrated storytellers, Connie Regan-Blake has performed in 47 states and 16 foreign countries.  She is a dynamic, wise and entertaining storyteller as well as a sought-after workshop leader.  Check out her website calendar to see if she is touring in your area.  Some upcoming highlights include: Halloween performances and a “Scary Stories Workshop,”  November 4-6th workshop in New England, and December 9-10, a workshop on story, myth and journey with music therapist Courtney Smith.  She will also be touring in Alabama, Florida and California this fall and winter. If you can’t make these events – bring her to your community!

Contact Connie


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