Have you ever read a really great fairy tale or myth and wanted it to feel more like your own? What if you learned how to craft and tell it for yourself? Fairy tales were originally told stories, not written, so you can take a fairy tale and make it your own.
This three-session class on three consecutive Sundays includes:
- What are folk tales, fairy tales, and myths?
- What stories can you tell? What stories should you leave alone?
- Storytelling basics
- How to break the story down so you can learn and tell it (no memorization necessary)
- How to make the story your own, with elements from your own experience
- How to make the story come alive for listeners
- Who to tell it to
- Where you can share it and how to work with an audience
- A twenty-minute 1:1 coaching session
- And more.
This class is taught by award-winning storyteller Laura Packer, who holds a degree in folklore and mythology. Laura loves traditional stories and has told many hundreds to audiences around the world.
This class is appropriate for people 14 years old and up, who enjoy a good magical tale.
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