Big White Pushka

Told by Karen Golden

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This story was published in Nice Jewish Girls: Growing Up In America in 1996 and is one of my favorite personal stories to tell. All the characters have passed away with the exception of my dear friend Diana. We still laugh about this day so long ago and reminisce about our teachers, the Rabbi, my mother and our introduction to our Jewish heritage. Even Temple Beth El has a new building and the long hallways of the old building only exist in stories. The tale really shines a light on my mom’s wonderful sense of humor. I always feel her smiling down on me when I tell this story. This telling of the story at the 2010 conference was a highlight for me as the audience was amazing. I felt as though this was my come back after a 14 year absence from the conference. I have been deep in the adventure of motherhood, coming up with my own explanations of the workings of the world for my daughters much like my mother explained things to me in Big White Pushka.

About Karen

USA today said, “Karen Golden’s  mesmerizing stories marry age-old values with rollicking saxophone and amazing sound effects. You’ll find the tunes, tastes and traditions of Jewish people from Eastern Europe to the Santa Monica Pier”. Karen is a performer, published author, teacher and award winning recording artist. Funny, inspiring, outrageous and real! Karen’s CD’s can be ordered at She is currently a teaching artist with the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and a favorite at adult gatherings and conferences. Karen is also the founder/director of Creative Learning Place ( an innovative hands on learning center catering to homes schooled students.

Contact Karen

Phone: 323-933-4614

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