Hybrid Events Are Here
By Jessica Robinson, Better Said Than Done As the number of new covid cases start to go down in many areas of the country, more and more events are going hybrid. As a show producer – I produce Better Said Than Done out of Fairfax, VA – and a video producer – I run a […]

Story Now Interview: Joe Herrington
At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education. STORY NOW! Interview Series The theme of our 2019 annual conference was Story Now! Now! From the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts […]

August 2020 – Jay Golden
The Mythic Moment Our August Story Lab guest was Jay Golden, Keynote Speaker, Storytelling Coach & Founder of Retellable “For a story to change the world, it has to change you first.” Jay Golden Time speeds along, perhaps faster than ever before. And yet, there are moments, living moments thatseem to reach across time, coming […]
NSN Youth YouTube Channel Submissions
The National Storytelling Network is launching a Kids YouTube Channel! With an interest in driving support for the Storyteller Relief Fund (now available for designated donations at storynet.org/donate), and in partnership with the Youth, Educators, & Storytellers Alliance SIG, NSN is collaborating with storytellers from all over the world to provide young learners with access […]
New Venture Seeks to Leverage the Power of Recovery Stories
Addiction Professional September 9, 2019 Matt Conway and T.J. Murphy started RecoverYdia (a hybrid of “recovery” and “media”) as “our response to a suffering world.” They want to counteract the loneliness that has enveloped a technology-connected world by using that world to share moments of personal triumph. Murphy says he and Conway have set out to […]
Radio, Movies, and Internet
AwesomeStories.com http://www.AwesomeStories.com A site with nearly 100,000 pre-screened links to primary sources for educators, students and the general public. There are hundreds of stories on the site which organizes key information in one place, substantially reducing research time. Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf Show and Blog http://www.artofstorytellingshow.com An international conversation from all perspectives on […]
Social Network Sites, Listserves, and Storytelling Rings
Storytell Listserv STORYTELL, sponsored by the National Storytelling Network (formerly sponsored by the Texas Woman’s University) is a forum for discussion about storytelling. The list is a place for discussion of issues and interaction on topics of concern to the storytelling community. Storytell Listserv Professional Storyteller http://professionalstoryteller.ning.com/ Storytelling Ring http://i.webring.com/go?ring=storytelling&id=197&next This home page contains numerous […]