SIO’s Lessons Learned

SIO’s Intra-NSN Story Share Initiative

Welcome to SIO’s “Lessons Learned” Intra NSN Story Share Initiative.

This blog concept was conceived during COVID-19, as a way of connecting our NSN storytelling community in an active knowledge management exchange, as we share and discuss how we have learned to:

  • Used video conference technology in new and creative ways to build audience engagement
  • Developed new networking relationships
  • Created new performance and presentation opportunities
  • Challenged our creativity
  • Established opportunities for connection and support

We are looking forward to hearing from our fellow NSN colleagues so we can all learn from your experiences.  Share a blog post or include a YouTube video link.

Please forward your submissions and contact information to SIO Board Member, Bill Brantley at
.  We will be posting on an ongoing basis.

Thank you.
Julienne Ryan
Stories in Organizations Chair at

Creating Community through Music

Storytelling in Organizations Lessons Learned: Best Practices for Virtual Keynotes Julienne B. Ryan – J. Ryan Partners – Be engaged as work Julienne Ryan Interviews Peter Shafran, Executive Producer – River Spirit Music, LLC. Regarding His “Lessons Learned in 2020.” Sometimes disruption can create new opportunities. A few months ago, I reached out Peter Shafran, […]

Best Practices for Virtual Keynotes

Storytelling in Organizations Lessons Learned: Best Practices for Virtual Keynotes Like many organizations, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Organization (USPTO) had to move all of its training online. The biggest challenge that the training and development specialists at the USPTO faced was converting its bi-annual four-day Leadership Forum from an in-person event to entirely online. […]

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