OARS in the Water
February 28th at 7:00pm-8:30pm EST
Hosted by Sara DeBeer & Anabelle Castaño
Theme: Interpersonal Translations
Even if people engaged in a conversation speak the same language, there are nuances that might get “lost in translation”. Tonight will be an opportunity to reflect on how we can really listen so that the conversation is a bridge and not a barrier.
OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month offered by Healing Story Alliance to create a listening space to share the experiences and stories that have emerged through turbulent times. This is not a therapeutic circle but we do hope it will be healing, supportive and inspiring.
Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Your tax-deductible donation can be made here:
We’ll gather via Zoom. Here is the NEW link:
About our Hosts for February 28th
Sara deBeer has been telling traditional folktales since 1978. Her great love is telling traditional folktales from world cultures. A published poet, Sara teaches poetry-writing classes for Beat of The Street (BOTS), a program for people who have experienced homelessness. She is a member of the HSA Advisory Committee and chair of HSA’s Kind Stories in Concert series. http://storydebeer.com/
Anabelle Castaño is a bilingual storyteller, archaeologist and museum educator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She interweaves her three professions and works on building bridges between material and immaterial culture through traditional stories from all continents.
For the Schedule of upcoming OARS Meetings visit:
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