OARS in the Water: The Forest for Opening Hearts






United States

OARS in the Water
March 12th
7:00pm-8:30pm EDT
Hosted by Jim Brulé & Dee Palanisamy
Theme: The Forest for Opening Hearts

Discover the wisdom of the woods in “The Forest for Opening Hearts.” Explore themes of generosity and learn from nature’s quiet strength, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Join us for an inspiring experience of storytelling, meditation, and community.

OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering that meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm Eastern Time. The Healing Story Alliance’s OARS in the Water offers a community listening space in which to share the experiences and stories that have emerged in turbulent times.

OARS co-hosts facilitate the evening and provide participants with a warm welcome and a meaningful theme which we hope will be healing, supportive and inspiring.

Format: A typical 90-minute meeting consists of a 20-minute, theme-based opening, followed by 20 minutes in breakout rooms, and then we reassemble for a whole group conversation.

Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Your tax-deductible donation can be made here:



About our Hosts

Jim Brulé is a transformational storyteller, end-of-life doula, mentor, and educator. Drawing on a blend of cultural, spiritual, and academic experiences, his stories and workshops explore themes of healing, multicultural wisdom, and end-of-life support. For over a decade, his NSN-accredited Transformational Storytelling school has trained spiritual storytellers from a variety of traditions. Known for his collaborative spirit, Jim has co-developed and led dozens of workshops with storytellers worldwide. Co-authored with Rebecca Lemaire, his book “Stories of the Heart” presents 18 global tales for navigating dying and living.

Dee Palanisamy (Durgah Devi) is a multicultural storyteller based in Melbourne, Australia. She weaves her Singaporean-Tamil background in telling Asian folktales and stories to audiences around the world. Dee loves all things stories and founded Deelightfultales, where she uses stories for performances, training, education and personal development. She also works closely with the Federation of Asian Storytellers, Generation Women Australia (personal storytelling) and is the current secretary of the Australian Storytelling Guild, NSW. Dee is grateful to connect with people and different communities through storytelling.

Jim and Dee met in Marrakech at the Marrakech International Storytelling Festival earlier this year and discovered they were kindred spirits.

For the Schedule of upcoming OARS Meetings visit: https://storynet.org/groups/hsa/oars

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