Multimedia Projects You May Have Missed in 2008 (St. Petersburg, FL), December 29, 2008


The urge to make and read year-end lists has created this opportunity to look at some interesting multimedia published in 2008.

The big kids really knocked it out of the park, especially on political coverage. The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC and USA Today all produced some outstanding work that got a lot of attention, both on this site and elsewhere. But there are also some interesting multimedia projects done by local and specialized news organizations you might have missed this year.

Here’s my completely arbitrary criteria: I selected projects that combine multiple media forms and storytelling techniques to provide journalistic information. This is a list of pieces that caught my eye because they tried something new, did something especially creative, served their local community well or illustrated a trend in this year’s multimedia. My choices include:

Storm stories using map-based storytelling
Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum used a fictional character as a guide to the museum tackles issues related to the region’s booming elderly population
The Globe and Mail’s “Talking to the Taliban”
The Detroit Free Press’ project, “Where children find hope”
The Wisconsin State Journal ( produced “Behind the Booms,” which lets you create your own fireworks display
Discovery Channel “Human Body: Pushing the Limits”

Subjects Covered: digital storytelling

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