Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling
The Brimstone Award for Applied Storytelling is currently not accepting applications. If you or your company would be interested in sponsoring this award, please contact the NSN office at .
The Brimstone Award: Listing of Recipients
- Providence Institute for Human Caring
- Regan Brooks – Story Works Alaska
- Guneeta Singh Bhalla, The 1947 Partition Archive – Citizen Historian Program
- Diane Mailey, Zen Hospice Project Storytelling Initiative
- Trouble the Water: Building a Reservoir of Local Knowledge from Cultural Conversations on Hurricane Sandy, Traditions, Work and Resilience
- Resonate: Storytelling for Women’s Leadership
- Using storytelling to transform community: The Sudan and African American oral storytelling project
- Coming Home/Listening to Our Troops
- Sustaining Culture and Traditions Through Storytelling Project
- Community Stories in a Changing Climate
- Intergenerational Storytelling for Seniors and Ex-offenders
- Storytelling and Social Change: Strategies for Grantmakers
- Firewalkers: Madness and Beauty
- Foolish and Wise Things We Have Seen or Done
- Using Improvised Storytelling to Strengthen Two Communities: Marginal Urban Youth and Patients with Life-Threatening Illnessance Abuse
- Stories for Environmental Stewardship: A QLF and Middle East Program for Coexistence
- From the Fire in the Belly: Stories of Redwood Coast Entrepreneurs
- Quiet No More: Giving Voice to At-Risk Youth through Storytelling, Youth-to-Youth Mentoring and Service Learning
- Using Improvised Storytelling to Strengthen Two Communities: Marginal Urban Youth and Patients with Life-Threatening Illnessance Abuse
- Jerusalem Stories High School Pilot Program
- Coming Home: A Life Force Project
- Using Storytelling To Promote Gross National Happiness In The Royal Kingdom Of Bhutan
- Telling Traditions: Stories And Poetry That Build Bridges Across The River Of Loss To The Places Of Acceptance
- Sharing The Skies: Stories And Activities For Museum And Nature Center Educators
- Community Voices Against Violence And Substance Abuse
- Building Resilience Through Storytelling
- Children At The Well: An Interfaith, Intergenerational Storytelling Venture
- Using Storytelling As An Educational Tool
- Environmental Storytelling For Schools And Nature Centers
- Living Streams: Stories For Healthy Watersheds
- A View From The Front Porch
- When Children Save The Day®