The ORACLE can be an award given for:
Organization / Originality
In the Storytelling Community
NSN is proud to annually recognize individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to storytelling. The members of the Awards Committee for 2024-2025 are: Mary Hamilton, Chair, Ray Christian, Mary Gay Ducey, Angela Lloyd, Cora Newcomb, and Toni Simmons. Contact email:
Nomination Process
Submit nominations for ORACLE Awards during the period of January 1-31, 2025. Results will be made known after the April Board Meeting.
Note: Persons may only receive an Award once. However, they may be nominated for other Awards. Please check the listings below to see if your nominee was an Award recipient in the past and in which category.
Nomination Form
Note: Click the “Title in Red” to see photo listings of recipients since inception of ORACLE Awards
Lifetime Achievement Award – is presented to individuals in the storytelling community who have dedicated their lives to the art form of storytelling and who have demonstrated meritorious service to the National Storytelling Network, as well as to the community of storytellers at large. The individuals who are awarded are those who have expanded public awareness of the art of storytelling by virtue of their preservation of traditional art forms or the significant originality of their body of work.
Circle of Excellence Award – is presented to artists who are recognized by their peers to be master storytellers who set the standards for excellence and have demonstrated, over a significant period of time, a commitment and dedication to the art of storytelling.
Regional Excellence Award – recognized the creativity, professional integrity, and artistic contributions of tellers who greatly enriched the Storytelling culture of their region. This award was presented from 2011 – 2022. It has been discontinued. To nominate a storyteller, please use the Circle of Excellence Award.
Distinguished National Service Award – is presented to those individuals, members or groups who contribute their time and energy in an exemplary manner on the national level to forward the work of the National Storytelling Network.
Regional Service & Leadership Award – presented to individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to their local or regional Storytelling community and/or have used Storytelling to make a significant contribution to the larger community in which they live. For a directory of past recipients (1996-2021) please see these regions: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, North Central, South Central, Western, Pacific.
Talking Leaves – is presented to those members of our community who have made outstanding contributions to the literary body of storytelling as authors, editors or collectors.
International StoryBridge Award – recognizes the exemplary work, dedication and spirit of those individuals or groups that promote the art of storytelling in their own country or promote the building of bridges between their country and other countries through the use of storytelling and/or storytelling events.
Recipients in 2024