Culture and Facial Expressions

by Mary K. Clark

Are facial expressions a universal language? This was a very small but intriguing study which challenged the theory that facial expressions are the same across diverse cultures.

Facial expressions have been called the “universal language of emotion,” but people from different cultures perceive happy, sad or angry facial expressions in unique ways, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

The rest of the article can be found at:  Perception of Facial Expressions Differs Across Cultures and is shared by Science Daily.  Thanks to Fran Stallings on the Storytell Listserv for bringing this article to our attention.

As a storyteller, I’ve often been fascinated by the expressions of listeners during the telling. The expressions we wear and share with others are sometimes more diverse than the language we use. Aren’t our emotions a language onto themselves and don’t they help us connect to our bodies? our selves? and to our stories?

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