Event for Ages 10+
This is a 90 minute olio storytelling performance with tellers from the US and beyond, whose physical eloquence is often the central part of their telling.
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The Lion Who Wants To Be King told by Antonio Rocha
The young lion thought that he could treat animals anyway he wanted, only to learn a big lesson in the end.
Antonio Rocha is an award winning storyteller presenting a unique fusion of spoken word and mime. His stories are coated by his tenor voice and fantastical sound effects. He has presented in prestigious venues from The Kennedy Center to the The National Storytelling Festival as well as in 15 other countries across six continents.
Fox and Stork (with a French Twist), a Nasradeen Hodja Story, and a Heart of a Friend told by Elaine Muray
Fox and Stork–Aesop fable but with a French flair; Hodja story about him jumping into a cemetery grave; Heart of a Friend, Kazakh friendship poem.
Elaine Muray integrates movement and narration to deliver tales from around the world as well as personal stories for all ages. She has performed and led workshops both nationally and internationally. Recently, she has done storytelling tours to English immersion schools in China, Korea, Chile, Peru, and Colombia. Her DVD, Embodied and Enchanted has won the Storytelling World Resource Award.
“Storigami” “Amaterasu” told by Kuniko Yamamoto
The first Japanese story from Kojiki in Action! To ignite imagination Kuniko will open with short bits of Storytelling with origami, Storigami.
A native of Japan, Kuniko grew up studying and performing traditional dance, music and theater. Traveled to the USA to study with tony Montanaro and with her Japanese Storytelling he appeared at Epcot, The Kennedy Center, National Storytelling Festival. Affiliated with Arts Council of Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina and performed. From 2018 she opened Origami Air Art Studio.
Ganesha’s Race Around the World told by Shereen Saif
A Magic Mango is the prize for the fastest who can go around the world thrice. Ganesha, the elephant-headed boy and his brother dash off in a trice!
Shereen Saif is a Dubai based Indian-born artist with a practice that spans dance, theatre, storytelling, voice acting and installation art. A passionate advocate of oral storytelling with a repertoire largely consisting of traditional Indian tales, Shereen is known for her physical storytelling style that integrates elements of music, dance and theatre.
Morgan and the Pot O’Brains told by Milbre Burch
A GRAMMY-nominated spoken-word recording artist, internationally known storyteller, published scholar, and produced playwright, Milbre Burch is a storyteller in every sense of the word. With her husband Berkley Hudson, she created the Storytelling Project of the Cotsen Children’s Library. Since 1978, she has performed and taught across America, in Europe and Asia. She lives in Chapel Hill, NC.
My First Word told by Peter Cook
Peter Cook is an Internationally reputed Deaf performing artist whose works incorporate American Sign Language, pantomime, storytelling, acting, and movement. Peter has traveled extensively around the country and aboard Peter was featured at the National Storytelling Festival several times.He is now the Chair of ASL Department, Columbia College Chicago.
Shape Shifter told by Gene Tagaban
Ancestral wisdom, spirit, presence and healing.
Antonio Rocha
Elaine Muray
Kuniko Yamamoto
Shereen Saif
Milbre Burch
Peter Cook
Gene Tagaban