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Bug Girl | Judith Black
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Growing up in Akron Ohio, a very…
Eco Tour: Arctic Canada
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Northtelling: Stories, music and images from Yellowknife,…
Eco Tour: Brazil
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Breathe: A Story Eco Tour: Travel to…
Eco Tour: India
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Three Eco-Tellers: Eco Story Hour from India…
John James Audubon (a living history) | Brian “Fox” Ellis
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Visit one of America’s greatest naturalists and…
Northern Light | Ingrid Nixon
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Alaska is a place of intact natural…
Sacred Groves | Diane Edgecomb
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Storytelling, music and song form an enchanting…
Skeeter & Bil Break the Ocean | Bil Lepp
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Bil’s Grosspapa is a trickster of the…
Wasteland and Wildwood | Lisa Schneidau
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference What does ‘wilderness’ really mean to us?…
Woodslore and Wildwoods Wisdom | Doug Elliott
Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference Stories, Songs and lore celebrating the natural…