Bowen Lee Featured at Story Space online Tue 02/04/2025






The Story Space Online
Every Tuesday from 6:45-9:00 P.M. EST
We are now on EST (Eastern Standard Time), 5 hours behind GMT, or UTC-5

 To attend via Zoom©:
Go to
In the banner click on “Meeting Invitation
(a new invitation will be posted every Tuesday by 6:00 PM. Otherwise, there will be a placeholder message.)

Bowen Lee:

The Great Race to be in the Chinese Zodiac

Only twelve animals will get to be in the Chinese Zodiac, and the order that they finish will determine their order in Chinese astrology. What’s your animal sign? How will your special animal perform in the great race, and how will they behave? Find out in my unique version of a traditional tale that explores the personality traits of the Chinese zodiac. See you at the starting line!


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Feature’s Promo for this feature:

Storytelling of all types and styles, in a friendly, cooperative venue where listeners and tellers and newcomers alike get full attention. There are no content restrictions, other than prohibiting hate speech. Try out a new story, spin an old favorite, or come to listen. No Topics. No Competition. No Judging. Just Stories…

In the spirit of Brother Blue.

The Story Space runs every Tuesday Night from 6:45 – 9:00 PM EST

Signup for Open Telling (8-minute slots) starts at 6:45 P.M. EST.

Open Telling starts at 7:00 P.M. EST sharp.

Followed by the Featured Teller at around 8:00 P.M. EST.

The Story Space online

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