HSA Oars in the Water






OARS in the Water

Feb. 22nd

7:00pm-8:30pm EST

Hosted by Lani Peterson & Linda Levinson

Theme: Celebrating Our Own Wisdom

It is often easier for us to take in the wisdom we get from others than to acknowledge our own wisdom. Join us as we take the time to give ourselves credit for being wise.

OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month offered by Healing Story Alliance to create a listening space to share the experiences and stories that have emerged through turbulent times. This is not a therapeutic circle but we do hope it will be healing, supportive and inspiring.

Admission is free, although donations are deeply appreciated and help support our programming. Your tax deductible donation can be made here:


We’ll gather via Zoom. Here is the NEW link:


About our Hosts for Feb 22nd

Linda Levinson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has had a psychotherapy private practice in Los Angeles for over 40 years in which she helps people grow and find fulfillment in their lives. She has loved listening to stories since being a young child, and appreciates how they have re-entered her life through OARS.

Lani Peterson, Psy.D, as a storyteller, psychologist and coach, works with story to promote growth, connection and change.  Lani relies on her joy in telling stories matched with her knowledge of the theory behind stories to guide people in finding, exploring and sharing the stories that might transform their understanding of themselves and others. She is a member of the HSA executive and programming committees.

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