Kristin Pedemonti Featured at Story Space online Tue 03/04/2025






The Story Space Online
Every Tuesday from 6:45-9:00 P.M. EST
We are now on EST (Eastern Standard Time), 5 hours behind GMT, or UTC-5.

There is an $8 requested donation

Kristin Pedemonti:

Kristin Pedemonti believes in the power of Storytelling to build bridges between and heal what is broken. Recipient of the National Storytelling Network’s International Story Bridge Oracle Award, Story Kintsugi’s its way through Kristin’s work whether as Storyteller across the world, Narrative Therapy Practitioner in service to preferred life stories, or as Storytelling Consultant and Presentation Skills Coach for UNICEF and the World Bank.

March Forth for March 4th! Debut of Original Story: Feminist Fairy Godmother. What might You wish for if you had a magic wand? Delighted to have performed in 20 countries on 5 continents, Kristin Pedemonti shares stories with heart always seeking to build bridges between us.

Feature’s website:

for feature’s Narrative Therapy work:

Feature’s YouTube Channel:

Storytelling of all types and styles, in a friendly, cooperative venue where listeners and tellers and newcomers alike get full attention. There are no content restrictions, other than prohibiting hate speech. Try out a new story, spin an old favorite, or come to listen. No Topics. No Competition. No Judging. Just Stories… In the spirit of Brother Blue.

The Story Space runs every Tuesday Night from 6:45 – 9:00 PM EST

Signup for Open Telling (8-minute slots) starts at 6:45 P.M. EST.

Open Telling starts at 7:00 P.M. EST sharp.

Followed by the Featured Teller at around 8:00 P.M. EST.

“Programs Subject to Change”


The Story Space online

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