RISK! Presents: What’s Your Story?




DATE: Sunday, 2/25/24

VENUE: Nighthorse, 66 Greenpoint Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222

TIME: 3-6 pm 

  • This event starts promptly at 3:00. We request that participants arrive a few minutes early to get settled in. 
  • Participants should plan to arrive on time and stay for the whole event.

ACCESSIBILITY: Wheelchair accessible (Ring the bell at entrance for assistance).


TO PURCHASE TICKETS: https://www.risk-show.com/live or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/risk-presents-whats-your-story-tickets-830523286507?aff=oddtdtcreator

ADMISSION: $25.00 + transaction fees $3.52 = $28.52

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What’s Your Story? is a facilitated social event where people make new connections with each other through sharing and listening to true stories from each others’ lives. 

Hosted by Kevin Allison

Come and share your stories! No storytelling experience required. 

Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4b7rhP2_Wo

Event Accessibility:

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