Storytelling Beyond Words





Emerson College

Forest Row
East Sussex
United Kingdom

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23rd Feb – 23rd May 2025 (with Easter break from 12th-25th April)

  • What makes a story work?
  • Can words shift the world? 
  • What inner shift is asked of us to help this happen?

This full-time, 12-week training in the art and craft of storytelling aims to prepare you to carry the spoken word and a lively imagination into your communities and places of work. Whether you wish through sharing stories to entertain, educate, counsel, inspire or advocate change; whether the stage, fire side, classroom, board room, or the bedside of a dying person is the context for your telling, this is our flagship training to develop a way of storytelling unique to your own voice and calling. Join us on a journey to light up your creativity and, through the surprising perspectives that this work offers, discover new aspects of who you are. This journey, both playful and profound, opens a path of development and transformation guided by humanity’s great shifters and shapers – Stories!

Storytelling Beyond Words at Emerson College, Sussex, UK

Since 1994, The School of Storytelling continues to run courses and has welcomed over the years thousands of people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, genders, ages and experiences.
Our flagship Three month Storytelling course, Storytelling Beyond Words, is a deep dive into the world of Storytelling. Our work is constantly evolving and exploring. We teach people all over the world how to carry the spoken word and a lively imagination into their communities and places of work. This includes telling stories to entertain, educate, counsel, inspire or advocate change; whether on the stage, fire side, classroom, board room, or the bedside of a dying person.
Our aims are to inspire and encourage transformation in human consciousness, to help us participate as co- creators in a positive future for humanity and all beings living on our planet. We offer our students a path of inner development and transformation guided by humanity’s great shifters and shapers: stories.
We know that stories are found in all countries and all spiritual traditions, we find our inspiration in the wisdom streams and teachings of all world religions, the stories of philosophers, sages and poets as well as from the insights of Anthroposophy.
We research how the art of storytelling is a powerful medium, with the ability to inspire change and development, exploring dying stories as well as the new stories emerging. Working with stories for the healthy development of individuals and communities is a running theme throughout the School’s teaching practices.
We are an international holistic learning centre working and teaching all over the world and our home-base is at the heart of Emerson College, UK, which welcomes students and visitors from all over the world, celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of each person. The college’s core purpose is to help people enrich their inner gifts and unique skills to meet their full potential. We support people in finding their individual path to meaningful life and work through a holistic approach to learning.
The other courses at Emerson encompass therapeutic education and the arts and land-based studies set within a rich learning environment. It is a place where we cultivate a more inclusive awareness, leading to life-generating choices for individuals, and their communities.
Our role as teachers of this work is to create a group environment in which students feel safe to be seen and develop storytelling, communication and life skills as well as explore human approaches to today’s urgent questions. We provide opportunities for learning and transformation through games and discussions, exercises and performances, practical initiatives, research and community building skills. We encourage free thinking, imagination and inspired fluid response-ability through our movement in the world.
The many graduates of our storytelling courses carry and bring with them the warmth of this storytelling flame wherever they go in the world.
We invite you to join us in February 2025 on a life-changing journey…Beyond Words!

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