Subject: [EARTH-TO-SKY] Next Earth to Sky Virtual Climate Conversation – First of 2025 – Friday, Jan. 10th, 3pm EST
The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication has released a preview of an interesting article, “Climate change messages can promote support for climate action globally.” An international online study found that certain climate messages had a small but significant positive effect on building support for climate action across a wide range of countries and across the political spectrum. The study found that the most effective messages emphasized the “here and now” nature of the climate emergency as well as concrete impacts on children and future generations. We thought it would be a good start for a dialogue about what themes and messages you are thinking about using in your programs and products this coming year.
We hope you’ll be able to join us and feel free to invite friends and colleagues that you think would be interested in joining the conversation. All are welcome to join us for these informal presentations.
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