Great Storytelling Advice from Moth Founder George Dawes Green

Flavorwire (New York, NY), May 11, 2012



The Moth founder George Dawes Green says that the key to a really great story is vulnerability. “Great storytellers really never tell about triumphs — they always focus on weakness and loss, and their own humanity, their own clownishness.”

“Getting other people to be quiet — this seems very poignant today, with Facebook and Twitter, where we’re continually putting information out there. You know I’ve been going out on tour a lot, taking this art form of raconteuring out to little towns, and wherever I go there’s this hunger that people have — to get together in these groups and listen to stories and get away from the Internet. I call it “being buried alive” because you crawl into this little grey coffin, and there you live for hours and hours, with you know, Lindsay Lohan and the Kardashian sisters, and there’s no joy in it. And there’s all this joy to gathering and telling stories. There’s a whole world of people out there, who still love those quiet arts, those homemade arts.”


Subjects Covered: personal storytelling

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