Online Resources

Some resources are listed in more than one section — for example, a book may have information about telling stories to inside audiences, and telling stories to outside audiences. Here’s a summary of the main categories in the three sections:

Storytelling to Inside Audiences
Cultural Change
Conflict Resolution
Training, Development, and Mentoring

Storytelling to Outside Audiences
Sales and Marketing
Community Relations

Challenges Unique to Storytelling in Organizations
Selling the Value of Storytelling to Leadership
Review and Approvals: Need for Collaboration

Right now, most resources seem to have information on storytelling to inside audiences, and that’s why the “inside” section is larger than the other two. However, storytelling has always been an important part of interacting with outside audiences: sales and marketing, community relations, etc. We may have been looking in the wrong places to find resources for storytelling to outside audiences. Please let us know.

Right now, the section on challenges in organizational storytelling is empty. We have not been able to find much information on this important subject. Maybe it’s too soon for this type of information to start appearing. It will probably emerge on listserves and bulletin boards. When you find something, please send it along.

You Can Help Build This Resource – Contributions Invited

If you find a book, article, or web site that will help other storytellers in organizations, please tell us about it so we can include it here. If you’d like to suggest a change to what’s already posted, please let us know about that, too.

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