Event for Ages 10+
Hosted by Sam Payne & Bill Harley
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When I Was One and Twenty told by Sam Payne
Sam Payne is the Weber State University Storytelling Fellow, and hosts The Apple Seed, a daily storytelling show on BYU Radio. He has an award-winning catalog of recordings, and performs on national and international stages as a storyteller and musician. He has performed at the Kennedy Center, the National Storytelling Festival, the Timpanogos Storytelling festival, and more.
Story by Kim Weitkamp
“Kim is a master at seamlessly building bridges from story, to song, to story. Like all good storytellers she evokes both laughter and tears, but her impeccable timing, and dead-on anticipation of her listeners’ needs place her at the pinnacle of her craft.” John Porter, NPR
Daddy Played the Phonograph told by Bill Harley
Bill Harley is a storyteller, songwriter and author who tours nationally and internationally. A prolific recording artist, he has appeared numerous times at the National Storytelling Festival, and own numerous awards for his recorded and written work.
Sing gYrl Sing told by Jazzy K
A story about female vocalist and her journey to success.
Story by April Armstrong
April Armstrong has been a featured teller at the Hudson River Clearwater, The Mohegan, the Connecticut College, and Rockland County Storytelling Festivals. She has performed her stories abroad in Jamaica and Indonesia. April won the NSN 2020 J.J. Reneaux Emerging Artist Award. April was awarded the 2015 BRIO Award for Storytelling from the Bronx Council for the Arts.
Award-winning storyteller Anne Rutherford delights audiences nationwide with funny, touching performances that include tales of personal adventure, Pacific Northwest folklore and prize-winning tall tales. However, she is also five-time first place winner of the Northwest Folklife Liar’s Contest, — so don’t believe everything she tells you. But you can believe when she says this — “Without you, I’m talking to myself.” Find more at www.annerutherford.com
Sam Payne
Kim Weitkamp
Bill Harley
Jazzy K
April Armstrong
Anne Rutherford