Family Friendly Event
What happens in a world of no stories when friendships break and mistakes are irreversible? What happens when those around you really turn out to hurt you the most? By their coming together, which is a sign of continued friendship, this collection of South African storytellers will take turns sharing tales about hurt, love and the power of stories. Presented by Naane le Moya.
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Mamdokwe told by Bongiswa Kotta-Ramushwana
Mamdokwe cooks the best porridge in her village but some village women think that she uses muti. Will she be able to change their perception?
Bongiswa is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, a motivational speaker and a qualified SASL interpreter with a career spanning 16 years. Some of her festival performances include Nozincwadi, National Book Week and Ungasali International Storytelling Festival. She also facilitates master workshops for teachers, and librarians.
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It’s Not About the Dress told by Nolubabalo Rani
Why didn’t my grandfather buy me the same dress as my sister’s? I put on the dress and try to turn but it does not flow.
Nolubabalo is a Cape Town based educator and storyteller. She is a graduate of the International School of Storytelling and Centre for Biographical Storytelling. She co-hosts The Story Club Cape Town and is co-founder of Balisa Nathi Storytelling Collective. She performs in English and isiXhosa, working with folktales, and personal narratives. |
The day Ostrich said “Enough!” told by Philippa Namutebi Kabali-Kagwa
Everyone knew not to disturb the birds during nesting season. So why would no one listen to Ostrich?
Philippa has hosted and performed at The Story Club, Cape Town since 2014. Her most recent works include Tales from Uganda at the Children’s Festival, The Abantu Book Festival, Johannesburg; When the wild calls with Nolubablo Rani at the 2020 Summer Storytelling, Erin Hall, Cape Town. Philippa is a published author of Flame and Song: a memoir, children’s books, and poetry.
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Vodloza and the Beehive told by Thembile Tshuma
Vodloza’s commitment to his friend Andile, leads him on a dangerous journey into the evil forest.
Thembile is a storyteller, puppeteer, percussionist and Applied Theatre & Drama practitioner. He studied at Drama for Life (University of the Witwatersrand) as a facilitator and currently ASSITEJ South Africa’s Educational Outreach Assistant and Gauteng Provincial Theatre4Youth Coordinator. Thembile Played the lead character in Zimbabwe’s ever puppet show on National television “Khuluza”.
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uManzandaba – She who brings stories told by Baeletsi Tsatsi (Emcee/Teller)
Manzadaba’s children sit around a fire, tummies full but crying, but there are no stories to be found. What will uManzandaba do?
Baeletsi Tsatsi is a storyteller, writer and facilitator. She studied at the Market Laboratory, the International School of Storytelling and the Center for Biographical Storytelling. She won the J.J Renaux Emerging Storyteller Grant Award in 2018. Her stories are distributed by FunDza, Cover2Cover and Book Dash.
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Bongiswa Kotta-Ramushwana
Nolubabalo Rani
Philippa Namutebi Kabali-Kagwa
Thembile Tshuma
Baeletsi Tsatsi