Northern Light | Ingrid Nixon

Presented as part of the Earth Up Conference

Alaska is a place of intact natural processes and jaw-dropping beauty, where animals and people still move to an ancient rhythm. Yet even in its ruggedness and remoteness, it is changing. Let storyteller Ingrid Nixon take you on a journey to celebrate this vast, wild landscape that she calls home.

Ingrid Nixon hails from Alaska. She is a world-traveling storyteller who whisks listeners away on journeys of the imagination. Exploration nail-biters, tall tales, traditional and personal stories—she tells them all at far-flung venues, including the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN, and on international expeditions. Ingrid’s three recordings have earned the Storytelling World Gold Seal and she is a champion liar many times over—a claim that makes her mother both proud and worried. She holds a Storytelling MA from East Tennessee State University. More at

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