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Jackson Gilman
Jackson has featured at the national festival four times and is a four time Teller-in-Residence at the ISC. Song, dance, mime and/or sign language might be incorporated in performance – whatever works best to bring a story to life. He helps others develop their own stories at his Springboards for Stories workshop held annually at Kipling’s historic Vermont home, and also offers private coaching.
Jenifer Munro
Laura Packer
Laura knows the best way to truth is a good story; she has told, taught, coached, consulted and considered storytelling globally. She is committed to great storytelling, helping others tell their stories and change the world. When she isn’t performing she helps organizations tell great stories. Laura is the author of From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story.
Additional stories by:
Corrine Stavish
Barbara Schutzgruber
Tim Lowry
With closing remarks by NSN and members regarding CONNECTED, NSN’s first virtual conference and festival.
Jackson Gilman
Jenifer Munro
Laura Packer
Corrine Stavish
Barbara Schutzgruber
Tim Lowry