Event for Ages 16+
Enjoy eight Asian tales of courting, quarrelling, cooking and socially/cosmically distant couples who follow the beat of an Indian drum, as told by Kalah Rajesh, Wong Swee Yean, Simone Sales, Sheila Wee, Jumaini Ariff, Ahn Sook Kim, Roger Jenkins and Karen Lee. We’ve chosen stories that appeal to adults, though if they were movies, none would require age-restricted admission in Singapore!
FEAST was founded June 2018 to promote the art of oral storytelling in Asia. We have 200 members, held annual Conferences in Singapore and Bangalore (Jakarta Nov 2021) and have published two collections of Asian folktales (our 3rd on the theme of Animals will be e-published in August). Activities include monthly webinars by leading tellers, both Asian and international, and online monthly swaps. Presented by the Federation of Asian Storytellers (FEAST).
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The Boy Who Wanted a Drum told by Kalah Rajesh
A traditional story from India in which a poor boy’s generosity in sharing his good fortune eventually leads to unexpected happiness.
Kalah possesses valuable experience as an educator in both mainstream and special needs schools. Has an enthusiastic attitude to provide differentiated learning strategies through play and storytelling. She is a theatre artiste, TV host, Storyteller , facilitator and edutainer.
The Lady of the Moon told by Wong Swee Yean
Chinese legend: a beautiful girl lives on the moon. Each lunar month, as it brightens, Chinese think of the tragic love between Chang’e and Houyi.
Wong Swee Yean was a school teacher and told stories to entertain and educate. Gradually, she moved on to telling stories professionally. Swee Yean has performed stories for Singapore heritage programmes and conducted storytelling workshops for education, advocacy and change. Recently, she worked with senior citizens to using storytelling as a path of discovery and healing.
https://eruditestories.com/ | www.facebook.com/erudite.sweeyean/ | https://www.instagram.com/eruditesweeyean/?hl=en
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina told by Simone Maria Sales
A myth from Panay, Visayas about the two gods in the title, a husband and wife and how a domestic spat results in the world as we know it!
Simone Maria Sales is a Filipino storyteller and spoken word poet with a background in anthropology. She teaches by day and makes art by night. She is FEAST’s newest Young Storyteller.
A Taste of Honey told by Sheila Wee
A legend from Vietnam.
Sheila is a Singaporean professional storyteller with more than 20 years’ experience. Because of her work to pioneer the movement to revive the use of storytelling, she has been described as a Godmother of Singapore storytelling. Sheila is a director of two storytelling non-profit organisations, Story Connection and the Federation of Asian Storytellers.
www.storywise.come.sg | www.facebook.com/storywise.singapore
The Owl Misses the Moon told by Jumaini Ariff
How far would you go for love? A celestial romance between Owl Prince and Moon Princess is complicated by jasmine in this folktale from Malaysia.
Jumaini Ariff is a published author and well-known for her storytelling persona; ‘Nek Selampit’. She heads Storyscribblers which provides quality literary workshops for students and preschool educators in 2017, Jumaini became the first storyteller to be appointed as a Language Ambassador, by the Malay Language Council Singapore.
The Hunter’s Wife told by Ahn Sook Kim
A man-eating tiger, an axe-wielding wife . . . and a salt-peddler accidentally caught in the middle, makes for a powerful story of love and devotion.
Ahn sook helped to organize Korean First International Storytelling Festival in Korea (2018/2019)
How to Find the Perfect Wife! told by Roger Jenkins
A story from Thailand which is a recipe for so much more than fish soup!
Roger is a Singaporean who started telling in 1998 after teaching drama and creating theatre. An award-winning poet (Singapore Literature Prize 1995) he won the Best Storyteller Award at the 2013 Kanoon Int’l story Festival (Iran). Founder of the 398.2 Storytelling Festival (2015) and Director of the Federation of Asian Storytellers, and Story Connection, which promotes the local story community.
www.rogerjenkins.com.sg | www.feast-story.org
The Kitchen God told by Karen Lee
He is one of many gods in Chinese folklore. This story tells how the Kitchen God came to reside in homes – and what he reports to the Jade Enmperor.
Karen has been a featured storyteller in storytelling festivals in Singapore, India and Penang. She tells stories to a wide audience from 3 to 60 and beyond. Her storytelling experiences include telling stories to children with special needs to seniors in eldercare centres. Her natural, lively and interactive storytelling style captures the hearts of her audiences both young and old.
Kalah Rajesh
Wong Swee Yean
Simone Maria Sales
Sheila Wee
Jumaini Ariff
Ahn Sook Kim
Roger Jenkins
Karen Lee