Event for Ages 16+
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Hanasaka Jiisan (Cherry Blossom Man) told by Tobey Ishii-Anderson
A Japanese Folktale
“Be careful of what you say. That one has big ears!” My aunties would say. I was an avid listener to stories about life in internment camps during WWII. Grandmother would start the stories with “Mukashi mukashi…Once upon a time.” I have been held captive by stories of the world and Japan. From listener to teller of stories, I have carried on this family tradition.
George Hamish told by Juliana Person
George Hamish took over my life for a while, but it wasn’t all bad… A humorous and hopeful personal story.
Juliana Person is a winery lab manager and cancer survivor with a passion for travel. She attended a Portland Storytellers Guild performance a couple years ago, was selected from the audience to tell a five minute story at intermission, and was instantly hooked! She has been enjoying putting a greater focus on stories in her life ever since.
An Encounter with Loro Kidul told by Brandon Spars
Thirty years ago, will living and working in Indonesia, I had an encounter with the fierce South Seas Goddess, Loro Kidul.
As a teacher of both high school humanities and college writing, Brandon has always brought storytelling into his lessons. He has contributed to countless workshops and conferences on the intersection between storytelling, ancient history, and pedagogy. Brandon is a regular Bay Area storyteller as well as a TEDx speaker and a five-time champion of the Moth StorySLAM (including two GrandSLAMS).
Fishing With Blue told by Ken Iverson
An original story built on an old fishing tall tale. A planned move to Birmingham, AL had my wife, and I, filled with doubts. Deep friendships, quickly made, erased all our doubts. One friend, one fantasy adventure, shares the feeling of being accepted.
Melting Grass told by Linda Yemoto
Based on “Melting Grass” by Hiroko Fujita in Folktales from the Japanese Countryside, a young man discovers some magic, melting grass. Will it help him win a noodle-eating contest?
For 35 years, she was known as “Ranger Linda” to thousands of San Francisco Bay Area school children and families. As a naturalist with East Bay Regional Parks, Linda enlivened her interpretive programs with storytelling. Linda served on the NSN Board of Directors for six years, and chaired the Bay Area Storytelling Festival for 30 years. Currently she tells stories at the SF Asian Art Museum.
Story by Angela Lloyd
Tobey Ishii-Anderson
Juliana Person
Brandon Spars
Ken Iverson
Linda Yemoto
Angela Lloyd