You have something to say in a story, but how do you say it without sounding too pushy, opinionated, or downright boring? Noa Baum, Nancy Donoval, Charlotte Blake Alston, and Judith Black join Sue O’Halloran for a panel discussion exploring the craft of social justice stories. How do you combine education and entertainment into social justice stories that respect, enlighten, and emotionally move your audiences? This session is perfect for non-profit and organizational leaders, ministers, and storytellers of all experience levels.
Author, Sue O’Halloran, has appeared on PBS and ABC Nightline and has been interviewed by The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and The Chicago Tribune. Sue teaches Diversity & Inclusion seminars and webinars around the country for corporations and nonprofits. She is producer/director of which houses over 250 video stories dealing with social justice.
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Susan O’Halloran
Noa Baum
Nancy Donoval
Charlotte Blake Alston
Judith Black