Event for Ages 10+
The storytellers of the South Central Region represent the diversity of their origins and cultures with a range of stories from history to tall tale, from ancient folktale to personal saga. The South Central Region of NSN is comprised of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.
Lisa Overholser is the St. Louis Storytelling Festival Director, and an MU Extension Community Arts Specialist. Previously, she was a Director of Programs at the New York Folklore Society. She has degrees in folklore, ethnomusicology, and music, and loves listening to a good story.
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Hodja Tales From Bulgaria told by Priscilla Howe
Several short folktales about the trickster Nasruddin Hodja, collected in Bulgaria and translated by Priscilla.
Priscilla Howe, a full-time storyteller since 1993, travels the world (14 countries and counting) with a headful of stories for all ages. She’s primarily known as a performer for children but has a full repertoire of personal stories, folktales and literary stories for grownups. She lives in Lawrence, KS. Priscilla is always looking for the best restaurant pie on earth.
https://www.youtube.com/user/PriscillaHowe | https://www.facebook.com/PriscillaHoweStoryteller/ | https://www.priscillahowe.com/
Hugh Glass told by Jim Two Crows Wallen
The amazing true history of a ship captain, a pirate, a captured prisoner of the Pawnee Indians, mauled by a grizzly bear. One man: Hugh Glass.
Jim Two Crows Wallen has been presenting historical programs since 1980. He is a National, Regional, and Local winner of many awards for his storytelling, historically accurate clothing, and artifacts. Two Crows has been featured at National Festivals, Corporate America, schools, state parks, historical and genealogy societies. His career has included programs in 46 states and 4 continents.
Superman of Enright Street told by Bobby Norfolk
Bobby tells a humorous personal story in his inimitable style.
Bobby Norfolk has been a Story/Performer for 43 years. He is a recipient of The NSN Circle of Excellence Award and has traveled internationally promoting his craft to all who will listen. In 2018, Bobby was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by The University of MO- St. Louis and gave the commencement address to the College of Arts & Sciences.
https://www.facebook.com/bobby.norfolk.56 | https://www.bobbynorfolk.com
Telling and Showing How We Live Through Words and String told by David Titus
David collected these tales from Alaskan native peoples (Aleut, Athabaskan, Inuit) who illustrated the stories with string figures while telling!
Born 1930’s the old ways. Mother keeper of family stories. Father campfire teller. Dave, children’s librarian, teller of whole world of stories. Discovered string stories. His new passion took him to 7 Continents, 49 countries, 48 Alaska villages. Collected, wrote, published, taught strings to over 1 million children and adults.
The Swamp Fox told by Donna Ingham
You may think Donna’s story is true, but she swears it’s an original lie. Can we believe that?
Tale teller and author Donna Ingham takes the ancient art of storytelling and gives it a Texas twist as she shares folklore, historical stories, personal narratives, tall tales, and outright lies. Thrice named the Biggest Liar in Texas, she is, truly, also the recipient of the John Henry Faulk Award and a National Storytelling Network ORACLE Regional Excellence Award.
www.facebook.com/donna.ingham | https://twitter.com/@tellwrite | www.donnaingham.com
How’m I S’posed to Know? told by Tim Tingle
Tim’s original narrative is a Kandinsky of growing-up-to-present-day stories, taken from his lifedom.
An Oklahoma Choctaw, Tim Tingle is an award-winning storyteller and author of 21 books. Sharing children’s and grown-up stories of Native American lore — accented by drum and flute — he reaches audiences at all levels of schools, universities, and recently at the 2019 National Storytelling Festival. Tim’s books received NSN’s Talking Leaves ORACLE award.
Lisa Overholser
Priscilla Howe
Jim Two Crows Wallen
Bobby Norfolk
David Titus
Donna Ingham
Tim Tingle