Event for Ages 16+
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Linda Schuyler Ford – Florida
“Orange Blossoms”
Linda grew up in New York’s Hudson Valley, wandering the very hills that inspired author Washington Irving, and hearing the folktales told by her Dutch and German ancestors. It’s no wonder she became a storyteller! Linda loves performing Hudson Valley folk and fairy tales, women’s stories, maritime folktales, and personal stories about her less than perfect family.
And, with 25 years’ experience in health care, she has developed Story-based support groups for caregivers, and people in bereavement. She also teaches applied storytelling to health care professionals.
Musician John Henry Redgate said, “Linda Schuyler Ford’s storytelling is light-hearted, and soul-deep.”
Tonight, Linda debuts a new story, “Orange Blossoms”, one of her favorite fragrances.
Website www.SchuylerFord.com | Email
Linda Gorham – North Carolina
“I Am Somebody: 2020”
Reflecting on her family, Linda Gorham raises powerful images in celebration of her ancestors in “I Am Somebody: 2020.” African Americans have come a long way … or have we? #BlackLivesMatter
For the past 30 years Linda Gorham has engaged audiences internationally with poignant and humorous family stories; interactive folktales; notably twisted fairy tales; and riveting, well-researched historical stories. Each performance is infused with Linda’s unconventional humor and her signature ‘sophisticated attitude’. www.LindaGorham.com
Robyn Avery Rennick – Florida
“Joys and Pains of living in Paradise”
Robyn Avery Rennick is a life-long Panhandle Floridian. Living on Cape San Blas she’s never sure if she’s going to see porpoise swimming in the gulf or an alligator sunning on the beach. One time there was even an emu running loose. These are no tall tales. Settle down and listen to the joys (and pains) of living in paradise.
“There’s Things in That Water”
Robyn Avery Rennick is a life-long Panhandle Floridian. Living on Cape San Blas which is bound on one side by the Gulf of Mexico and on the other by the St. Joseph Bay, Robyn has had many adventures in boats and in the water. You would think scalloping would be one of her tamer adventures. As one of her nieces said when she got her first mask and snorkel, “There’s things in that water.”
Email Robyn Rennick at the following address:
Judy Baker – Tennessee
“The Christmas Poke”
Who doesn’t love a Christmas story, even if it is 90 degrees outside? Christmas, in my Appalachian town was a simple affair, shared in this story called, “The Christmas Poke.” I grew up in a tiny Methodist church, where my earliest memory is standing on a wooden pew, wanting so badly to run down it and see what kind of noise my patent leather shoes would make. The highlight of our Christmas was the annual Christmas program, where any child with even a tenuous relationship with our church was invited to participate. We sang carols, recited “pieces” and some years, even had a play. But, the highlight of the evening was the arrival of Santa, bearing the Christmas Pokes. (In case you are not familiar with “pokes” they are paper sacks). We used the small, lunch bag size. You’ll have to wait until you listen to the story to find out what was in those pokes! Proud of her Appalachian heritage, Judy Baker tells folk tales, traditional Appalachian Tales, personal tales, tall tales and tales about things that go bump in the night. She serves as program chairman for her home Guild, the Cleveland Storytelling Guild in Cleveland, Tennessee and as Tennessee State Liaison for NSN. She conducts workshops and tells regionally. www.tellyouastory.com
Paul Strickland – Kentucky
“Ain’t True & Uncle False”
Paul’s heartfelt tall-tales have been performed Off-Broadway, at elementary and middle schools, and even two prisons (where he was not an inmate at the time). His story concerts have won “Best of Fest” honors 13 times at Fringe Theatre Festivals in the U.S. and Canada. Paul is a Featured Teller at Timpanogos in 2020. Selections from his comedy performances can be heard every day on SiriusXM radio.
Anne McKee – Mississippi
“Everything Mississippi”
Anne McKee tells “Everything Mississippi.” Included in her self-written library of stories, the listeners will sometimes find themselves. You see Anne is a people watcher, therefore, many of her stories represent folks she has met along the way while living her life in Mississippi. She is a firm believer that humor leads the way and many of her stories illuminate that fact. In her story for NSN, she features favorite characters, Big Mama and her Baby Boy, Sonny, Anne tells the hilarious tale of a chitterlings cook-off when her characters are big winners, a dream come true!
Anne is well known throughout Mississippi as an author and storyteller, all genres, and the subject is always Mississippi. She regularly presents for schools, libraries, museums, festivals and civic clubs, plus she is the founder of a costumed cemetery tour which celebrated its tenth consecutive year presenting the well-attended event in 2019. Rose Hill Cemetery Historic Costumed Tour.
See her website: www.annemckeestoryteller.com
Debbie From – Georgia
“My Son”
Debbie grew up listening to the stories of her elders. Today, she continues to be influenced by her family and often shares tales with multicultural themes. In 2015, Debbie started an organization called Give a Folk Sharing Stories for a Cause based on her passion for social justice and belief that sharing our stories and truly listening to others will strengthen and build community.
Debbiefrom.com | giveafolk.org
Linda Schuyler Ford
Linda Gorham
Robyn Avery Rennick
Judy Baker
Paul Strickland
Anne McKee
Debbie From