The Book of Joe Bob

Told by Megan Hicks

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photo credit: Jack Abgott
photo credit: Jack Abgott

I wrote this story about twenty years ago. It came about one full moon night when I was sitting around a fire with a bunch of other women and one of my friends said, “When Job was enduring his travails, I wonder what his wife was going through. Nobody talks about that.” I decided it was time somebody did.

The book of Job has always been a tough nut for me. It’s a story where God seems mercurial and … well … mean.

This is one of those performance pieces I call a “knee knocker.” I’m afraid I’ll deeply offend somebody … in the audience or in the firmament. So far, though, lightning hasn’t struck me. And one member of the clergy has told me he found in this story “resounding confirmation of the canon.” Confirmation or repudiation — that’s not my aim here. I just wanted to write and tell a solid, strong, true rip snorter of a tale.

About Megan

Megan Hicks’ storytelling enchants children, inner children, imaginary friends and grownups – all at the same time. A favorite of audiences and festival organizers throughout the U.S., she is also a three-time solo touring artist in Latin America with Dream On Productions. Megan is author, producer and performer of three critically acclaimed spoken word audios and two limited edition audio projects. You can read her blogs at and, and you can sample her storytelling at

Contact Megan

phone: 540-371-6775

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