© Mike Seliger

The Sky almost Danced tonight.
Maybe it was just Clouds,
Gliding along on the wind
Illuminated lightly by a hidden Moon.
Maybe if I’d never seen them,
The Northern Lights caressing the Sky,
And never felt the Infectious Joy
Of Dancing beneath their Dancing Light,
Maybe I wouldn’t have recognized
The Quivering Upper Atmosphere.
Maybe I would have turned away
With a Thought of possible rain tomorrow.
But I’ve been there, so I know,
On a night with nothing to see but clouds
I can still feel it in the air
And, while standing still, can Dance and Soar,
Glad for what I’ve known before!
This poem, written on a cloudy night, reminds us there is more to see… when we draw
on our remembered experiences we can renew our sense of what is possible.

Mike Seliger is the Chair of The Healing Story Alliance’s Executive Committee. He holds a doctorate from The City University of New York in Sociology and has also studied mime, clowning, and storytelling. A retired Dean for Planning at Bronx Community College, Mike has devoted most of his life to community organizing and empowerment through education. He has written and edited extensively as editor of Mime Times, the New York Storytelling Center Newsletter, Broadway Local Community Newspaper and more.