Event for Ages 16+
Stories of wisdom, mystery, intrigue, danger, comfort, challenge and caution.
The Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the development of and advocacy for oral storytelling, literature appreciation and creative expression through story creation and performance. Presented by the Australian Storytelling Guild (NSW)
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Cracked Pot told by Jackie Kerin
The Cracked Pot learns, that what it thought was a weakness, is in fact its strength.
Jackie is a storyteller and author and a seasoned traveller to festivals and conferences throughout Australia, Singapore and India.
The Witch Tree told by Anna Jarrett
An original Australian Ghost story based on true events.
Anna is an Internationally acclaimed storyteller and consultant, writer and teacher whose stories are a combination of traditional and original tales with music and song.
The Night Was Dark told by Christine Carlton
Personal story of how a story can calm a person when they are embraced by fear.
Christine, an experienced international teller, performs and conducts workshops for young and old. She is Convenor of the Sydney International Storytelling Conference.
All Free told by Kiran Shah
Folktale from Gujarat, India. – A man goes to great lengths to get the best bargain.
Kiran, a professional teller for over 20 years, loves telling Asian folktales, conducting workshops locally and internationally.
Wild Love told by Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson
A personal story about an encounter with Australia’s deadliest arachnid.
Lindy is founder and host of Heart to Heart Storytelling Nights and current president of Australian Storytellers NSW.
Señor Billy Goat told by Lillian Rodrigues-Pang
Story developed from a range of traditional Latin American versions, a Billy Goat is intent on eating the vegetables that are not his to eat.
Lillian is a full bodied, joyful storyteller with over 20 years experience performing and using storytelling in the community as a connective, teaching and healing art.
The Ghost of St. Kilda Beach told by Anne E. Stewart
A family story that tells of a wee ghostly boy that mysteriously appears at St Kilda Beach to save the lives of Anne’s Uncle Bob and Auntie Margaret.
Anne is a versatile International performer whose focus is on the shared stories of Australia honouring Indigenous, Celtic, Asian and World stories
L’histoire Grand’Mère (The Grandmothers Tale) told by Jenni Cargill-Strong
French tale of a grandmother who meets her maker and a young woman who meets a werewolf. A dark, sexy tale
Jenni has 28 years experience as a professional storyteller, 4 award-winning story albums and 17 years experience teaching storytelling.
Jackie Kerin
Anna Jarrett
Christine Carlton
Kiran Shah
Lindy Mitchell-Nilsson
Lillian Rodrigues-Pang
Anne E. Stewart
Jenni Cargill-Strong