Family Friendly Event
Voices of Latin America weaves the stories of popular and ancient tradition of Ecuador, Colombia, México and Peru. Five women of great experience in the storytelling world of their regions, will unite their words to salute Mother Earth from the ancient knowledge of the Andes and Aztec people, give voice to the wise women of the indigenous worlds and honor their African heritage.
Zazanilli Cuentos is an organization that seeks to give voice to the silent ones. Since 2007, we take stories to excluded communities of Mexico. We offer the healing of social networking through the construction of community stories. We have accompanied many groups. We have written books and put together storytelling shows with these; we have taken their stories out into the world. Presented by Zazanilli Cuentos A.C.
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Sacred Mother told by Tania Castro Gonzales
From the Quechua indigenous tradition, a special seed gives life to a magical grandmother who speaks of purpose of life and gratefulness.
Tania Castro is recognized as a Patrimony Storyteller, a Community Organizer and a Theater Director. She specializes in presenting folk stories from the Peruvian oral tradition. She comes from a family storytelling tradition. She has participated in Storytelling Festivals in all 5 continents, a total of 16 different countries. | | |
Fermented Stories From the South told by Natalia Dávila (Supay Warmi)
An indigenous woman inherited her grandmother’s recipe for the sacred beverage from the Ecuadorian Andes, with the “chicha”, great ancient stories.
Natalia creates and shares stories based on South American legends and traditions, related to food, music, and the ancestral view of the world. She is Production Coordinator of the cultural collective Quito Eterno, founded in 2002, that specializes in promoting the tales and secrets of the capital of Ecuador.
Soila, the Cunning told by Maria Elisa Palacios
Soila works for the rich man; life has taught her to be cunning and get out of any kind of trouble. It is a story of Afrocolombian oral tradition.
Storyteller, writer, engineer in water management and a dreamer, her family is from the coastal area of the Pacific Region of Colombia. Through Maria´s voice speaks the ancestral oral tradition of her mother and grandparents. She won the Colombia National University Storytelling Festival 2016. She is Artistic Director of the International Women’s Storyteller Festival of Cali- Colombia.
Nonantzin, Mother Earth told by Valentina Ortiz
Nonantzin, Mother Earth, has given birth to many wonders; her last brings gifts for humans. The man and the woman are grateful and so they dance.
Valentina speaks the ancient Aztec/Mexicah wisdom as well as the modern stories of Mexico. As a storyteller and a musician she has traveled the world; has published 4 books and produced 4 records with her original stories and music. She is the founder and director of Zazanilli Cuentos A.C. and has worked communal healing through storytelling and music, since 2007. and facebook: vale.ortiz.pandolfi
Shushu told by Jennifer Boni
A Chilean Mapuche girl is transformed into a skeleton. With the help of the animals, she recovers her body and many other teachings.
Jennifer Boni is a storyteller and children’s author. Born in United States, she has lived in Mexico City since she was nine, and for the last fifteen years she has been an active storyteller there. In 2008 she and her husband traveled through Latin America for thirteen months, presenting their storytelling show and collecting folktales from the countries they visited. These folktales became a show which won the government grant for storytellers that year. The story she is presenting at the NSN festival is one of these folktales.
Tania Castro Gonzales
Natalia Dávila (Supay Warmi)
Maria Elisa Palacios
Valentina Ortiz
Jennifer Boni