2020 Connected Virtual Conference & Festival

Items related to the NSN 2020 Connected Virtual Conference & Festival

Pre-Conference: Healing Story Alliance Workshop

Hosted by Lani Peterson, Wally Scott, Heather Forest, and Cheryl Cofield, with Libby Tipton. HSA explores and promotes the use of storytelling in healing. We share experiences and skills to increase our own knowledge of stories and how best to use them to inform, nurture, inspire and heal, both organizations and individuals. We strive to […]

Pre-Conference: Healing Story Alliance Workshop Details »

Pre-Conference: Storytelling in Organizations (SIO) Workshop

Russians are the kind of people that are grumpy and closed up at first but after knowing you for some time they are your friends for life. This magic connection comes from our language, particularly the word “Why”. In the workshop you will discover a new way to a deep connection with others by discovering

Pre-Conference: Storytelling in Organizations (SIO) Workshop Details »

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