Search Results for: Circle of Excellence


by Anonymous. There are stories hidden in our daily food. I dedicate this story to all the women in America with cancer in their breasts. I love cows. I love their lovely dangly pink udders and their patient luminous eyes. I love their milk and drank it every day growing up in the forties, until […]

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Grief Tales: The Therapeutic Power of Folktales to Heal Bereavement and Loss

by Sunwolf, Ph.D. At nightfall the cuckolded and damaged king ordered another maiden and her slave brought to his  chambers and took his pleasure. As the night wore on the slave spoke,”Mistress if you are not sleepy tell us one of your lovely little tales to while away the night before I must bid you

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The Three Paths of Transformation; Stories from the Alternatives to Violence Project

by Bobby Seigetsu Avstreih. The Alternatives to Violence Project started in the mid- 70’s by men in New York’s Greenhaven Prison who sought assistance from the local Quaker Meeting in developing ways to lessen the violent prison atmosphere. When I joined in 1986 A.V.P. had both national and international branches. I joined to seek out

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Personalizing Myth

by Suzanne Montz Adams. I used to think that myths were simply old stories that had little relevance for twenty-first century dilemmas. Yes, I admired their wildly imaginative content, the occasional unexpected twist, and the characters’ fantastical feats; but important to me personally? Not a chance. There was a slight glimmer of contemporary relevance, however,

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Story Now Interview: Michael Reno Harrell

At the National Storytelling Network, our mission is to advance all forms of storytelling within the community through promotion, advocacy, and education.   STORY NOW! Interview Series Story Now! Now from the boardroom to the classroom, and the page to the stage, personal stories and folktales are catalysts for change in every aspect of our

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Indigenous group tackles diabetes with storytelling  Jan. 15, 2018 Summary: Similar to many Indigenous groups worldwide, the James Bay Cree of northern Québec have a unexpectedly high rate of diabetes. Their method of their solution was taken from their culture: A Talking Circle in print. Cree health representatives choose people with diabetes whose stories they thought important. Then they hired

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Bringing Us Back to Life: Building Community in Business Through Ritual and Story

by Seth Kahan. When I visit corporate offices, I so often experience a sense of separation from nature, as if people have forgotten about the sun, the moon, the seasons. Day after day, in climate-controlled hallways and putty-colored cubes, people work ceaselessly to further their organization’s objectives. Have they lost touch with something essential, with

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