By Danni Altman-Newell, Marketing & Membership Manager
Happy Holidays! Can you believe 2017 is already coming to a close? I can’t! The last five months have been a whirlwind of activity for the Kansas City office staff. The year-end message from the Board of Directors gave you a peek behind the curtain of some of NSN’s current and future projects. Now it’s the staff’s turn to share!
NSN’s Kansas City Staff

The NSN staff in Kansas City has grown to a total of three with the addition of our part-time Office Assistant, Debbie Cole, in October. Debbie is working at the office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays each week and she’s the front line at NSN. The majority of you already know Robert Barrientos, our illustrious Executive Director, who works tirelessly to ensure NSN continues to build toward future growth. Some of you have already met me, Danni Altman-Newell. I serve as NSN’s Marketing & Membership Manager, along with being NSN’s Jack-of-all-trades for all the additional duties and miscellaneous tasks that are required in a non-profit office setting. It’s truly my pleasure to be able to work with NSN in this capacity.
Woodneath Library Story Center Office Space

Mid-Continent Public Library and the Woodneath Library Story Center have welcomed the NSN staff with open arms. They’ve provided an office for the NSN staff to share while they make arrangements for some additional space where we’ll reside until the Elbridge-Arnold home is completely renovated and ready for our permanent offices. Speaking of the Woodneath historic home, isn’t it beautiful?

Woodneath isn’t your typical library. Mid-Continent has focused this branch on storytelling…what a fitting home for NSN! They’ve started what will be a great Story Center book collection. They also have one of just a handful of Espresso Book Machines, which is a great way to take print-format stories from idea to reality.
Our staff has been working with the Story Center programming staff over the last couple of months to brainstorm some ideas on how to continue building our partnership and how to best utilize the unique skill set we each have so we each receive the most benefit from our partnership. We’ve come up with some great ideas and you’ll be hearing more about those in the coming months. The staff is very excited about having the opportunity to work with Woodneath on future programming and we think you’ll love the results!

NSN’s Website Update
Feedback is a gift, and we treat it as such. The staff would like everyone to know we’re noting all the feedback we’ve received on the website update so far and have made a list of tasks for our web developers to address. We cannot promise all the addition requests we’ve received will be added, but we’re doing our best to provide NSN members and the Storytelling community with a website you’ll be happy to visit. If there are items you’d like to provide feedback on, please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing us at .
Contact the National Storytelling Network
c/o Woodneath Library
8900 N.E. Flintlock Road
Kansas City, MO 64157
Telephone: (800) 525-4514
Find us on social media!