Haunted: Share the Scare

(all times Central Standard Time)

8:00 am – 8:30 am Opening Story from the Youth, Educators, and Storyteller’s Alliance SIG, Land Acknowledgement, and Announcements

8:30 am – 9:45 am “Early Bat” Social Hour

10:00 am – 11:00 am Talking the Edge Off: Swordplay and Storytelling by the En Garde Fencing Club (egfencing.com)
For hundreds of years, fencing has inspired dreams of adventure for people of all ages. Who hasn’t imagined themselves with sword in hand, fending off hordes of enemies with a quick and daring blade? Join us for a workshop put on by En Garde Fencing of Santa Rosa, CA. Imagine storytellers with swords. What could possibly go wrong? Entertaining and informative education with sharp pointy things!

11:00 am – 11:30 am Author Conversation with Donna Washington (dlwstoryteller.com)
Donna Washington is an internationally known, multiple award-winning storyteller, spoken word recording artist, and author of BOO STEW, her latest fractured fairytale. Best not miss this time with the creator of Toad Suck Swamp. Gitchey Boo, Gitchey Bon! Gitchey Goo, Gitchey Gone!

11:30 am – 1:00 pm LUNCH

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Monsters in Your Backyard Panel (Gene Tagaban, Donna Washington, David Schmidt, and Dr. Elizabeth Tucker, moderated by Mara Menzies)
You don’t have to go far to find stories of the weird and the odd. There are monsters in your own backyard. Come and hear from this amazing panel of experts, as they share their own perspectives and experiences about finding and bringing to life stories of the strange and unusual. Gene Tagaban is a storyteller, trainer, actor, speaker, and mentor (storytellingraven.com). Donna Washington is a storyteller, spoken word recording artist, and author (dlwstoryteller.com). David Schmidt is an author, storyteller, and translator speaking nine languages (holyghoststories.com). Dr. Elizabeth Tucker is a professor of English and Literature at Binghampton University (State University of New York) and researches the folklore of the supernatural (binghamton.edu/english/faculty/profile.html?id=ltucker). Mara Menzies, a storyteller and author will be the moderator and will be beaming in from Kenya (marathestoryteller.com).

2:45 pm – 3:15 pm Author Conversation with Dr. Emily Zarka (emilyelizabethzarka.com)
Dr. Emily Zarka is the writer and host for “Monstrum,” an award-winning online series with PBS’s Storied channel on YouTube. It examines the complex histories and motivations behind some of the world’s most famous monsters. She also wrote and hosted the award-winning one-hour documentary for PBS called, ”Exhumed: A History of Zombies.”

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Conversation and stories with AG, a New Orleans Ghost Tourguide (frenchquarterphantoms.com)
New Orleans is often thought of as one of America’s most haunted cities. The city was an entry point for the slave trade, a hangout for pirates, and the birthplace of voodoo. French Quarter Phantom Tours stories are based on historic research, told by folks who know how to tell stories, and AG is one of their leading guides. Join us for an insider’s look of ghost tours in the Big Easy.

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Author Conversation with David Schimdt (holyghoststories.com)
David Schmidt is the author of “Holy Ghosts,” a collection of true ghost stories from a haunted Christian college campus in California. He will be providing some insights from his own journey of collecting and researching strange stories of the odd and ghastly.

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Multi-Modal Monster Story Swap (all storytelling mediums welcome, 5-7 minutes per story)

6:00 pm – 6:30 pm DINNER

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Share the Scare: Telling Boo-tiful Tales with Lyn Ford (storytellerlynford.com)
With samples from the silly to the psych-me-out, activities that stretch your brain, and terribly useful tips for telling with kids through adults, Lyn helps you prepare to scare up your best creatively creepy tales.

Fourth-generation Affrilachian storyteller and Ohio teaching artist Lynette (Lyn) Ford is nationally and internationally recognized for her creepy stories, haunted programs, and boo-worthy workshops, as well as her less-scary “Home-Fried Tales”. Lyn is also a published writer, a certified laughter yoga teacher, a weird great-grandma, and a collector of gargoyles. Once again, she will be one of the hosts of Ghost Story Night at the National Storytelling Festival in October.

8:30 pm – 9:00 pm Closing Story from Kamishibai SIG and Announcements

9:00 pm – 10:30 pm “Night Crawler” Social Hour

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