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‘Little Shivers’ Performance


Your kids want scary stories, but you don’t want to be searching for witches in the closet? We understand! Our family-friendly programs will start out with special stories for the littlest listeners and get progressively scarrier to the shudder-worthy darker tales. In this program, we’ll sing about skeletons and bugs, then snuggle in for stories of a grave robber, a half-boy, and brave dog. We’ll even meet a String Figure Spirit!

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Part of NSN’s 2020 Halloween Gala

Your kids want scary stories, but you don’t want to be searching for witches in the closet? We understand! Our family-friendly programs will start out with special stories for the littlest listeners and get progressively scarier to the shudder-worthy darker tales. In this program, we’ll sing about skeletons and bugs, then snuggle in for stories of a grave robber, a half-boy, and a brave dog. We’ll even meet a String Figure Spirit!

Stephen Gashler, two-times winner of the Timpanogos Hauntings contest, is pure evil. Actually, he’s only 80% evil and 20% ridiculous. Notwithstanding, a mere glance of his eyes makes little kids cry. stephengashler.com

Anne Glover is a Canadian award-winning performer. Her stories are illustrated by string figures along with vocal effects. Anne has toured Canada, the US, Romania, Ireland, Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, and Japan for as many as 45,000 people in a year. anneglover.ca

Roger Jenkins is a Singaporean who became a teller via teaching/theatre. He received the Best Storyteller Award (Kanoon Festival). He founded Singapore’s 398.2 Storytelling Festival and co-founded the Federation of Asian Storytellers. rogerjenkins.com.sg

Daniel A. Kelin II is an artist, educator, scholar, author, playwright, and, most recently, a short film-maker who lives in Hawaii and (usually) travels a great deal. DanielAKelin.com

Jeeva Raghunath has been a professional storyteller/author since 1997. She pioneered the storytelling movement in Tamilnadu, India. Meanwhile, she authored 12 books and translated over 65 books from English to Tamil. jeevaraghunath.com

For the last thirty-three years, Donna Washington has performed and taught nationally and internationally. She loves scary stories best. Donna lives in Durham, NC with her husband and two cats. donnawashington.com

Liz Weir is an Irish storyteller with an international reputation. She was the first winner of the International Story Bridge Award from the National Storytelling Network, USA. lizweir.net

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