Welcome to the National Storytelling Network store! The current selection of recordings available will show and your current membership status will be reflected in the price listed. Current NSN members must be logged into the NSN website to view the discounted member prices. If you are logged in, you will see your name in the right menu. If you’re not logged in, you will see a login area. If you don’t remember your login information, please use the “Lost your password?” link at the right.
Please note: First-time users will need to create a free account. Once your account has been created, save the login information for future use.
Item(s) selected appear in your CART. Go to the main menu at the top of the screen and hover over the STORE. Your CART will appear under STORE. Click on the CART to review your chosen item(s) and complete your purchase.
Once your order has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation from us with instructions on how to access the recordings you purchased. These messages will occasionally be marked as junk or spam by email providers so if you don’t see the confirmation email in your inbox on the day you complete your order, make sure to check your junk or spam folder.
The NSN Digital Library is accessible at https://storynet.org/digital-library/.
Due to sharing permissions and recording errors, some event/program recordings may not be available.
If you have other questions, contact NSN at 1-651-703-8191 or info@storynet.org.