
Building Community One Story at a Time

New Haven Independent (New Haven, CT), February 27, 2007 Summary: The Jamestown Project at Yale is holding storytelling sessions from now through June that will allow New Haveners to tell their stories, in hopes of building trust and community. Storyteller Catherine Conant created a warm and welcoming circle for those who came to the two-hour […]

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Outside Voices: Siobhan Darrow On The Value Of Storytelling

CBS News (New York City, NY), December 15, 2006 Summary: Each week we invite someone from outside CBS Public EyE to weigh in with their thoughts about CBS News and the media at large. This week, we turned to Siobhan Darrow, a former CNN correspondent and author of the 2002 book, Flirting with Danger: Confessions

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We Can Heal the Wounds

The Fiji Times Online (Suva, Fiji), December 3, 2006 Summary: Father Lapsley’s decade-and-a-half-long activism against South African apartheid, both from within and outside that State, could have ended in him living the rest of his life bitter and a victim. In 1990, a letter bomb delivered to him in Harare, Zimbabwe, from the then South

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Storytelling is Great Tool in Tourism and Reconciliation

City Vision (Western Cape, South Africa), November 9, 2006 Summary: The sixteen ex-combatants and community activists trained by the Direct Action Centre for Peace and Memory (DACPM) in storytelling to become authentic voices in the tourist industry, graduated in Woodstock on Monday. During the course which took nine weeks, the graduates took a part on

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Latino Vets of WWII Share Stories

The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), March 11, 2006 Summary: Ralph Chavarria sat next to his teenage grandson. The 91-year-old leaned on a cane and talked about his experiences as a World War II firefighter and crash-crew worker in the Twentieth Air Force in the Pacific. Ralph and 17-year-old Sean are close in large part through

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Gathering Local Stories From Residential School Survivors

Opinion250 News (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada), March 11, 2006 Summary: Between 1892 and 1969, residential schools operated in Canada through arrangements between the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, United and Presbyterian churches. Although the Government was no longer officially involved after 1969, a few schools and hostels continued to operate

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National Museum Expands Academic Frontiers

National Indigenous Times (Australia), March 8, 2006 Summary: The unknown stories of intermarriage, domesticity and the acts of cooperation – and conflict – that form the global frontier experience will be revealed in a ground-breaking conference at the National Museum of Australia in August. Narrating Frontier Families in Australia and North America on 4-5 August

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Storytelling with String Games: Navajo Teen Shares Ritual at High School

The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, AZ), March 8, 2006 Summary: Crafting a bird’s nest using 2 feet of string is difficult for Alhambra High School student Isaiah Nelson. The Navajo teenager helped bring the winter storytelling and string games last month to his campus in the Phoenix Union High School District. The student-sponsored event was designed

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King’s Legacy Alive and Well

Union-Tribune (San Diego, CA), January 15, 2006 Summary: Wearing a ceremonial hat from the Ga people of West Africa, storyteller Alyce Smith Cooper captivated a crowd at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day multicultural festival. “There is a mystique that storytellers have, that draw people in,” said Jacki Taylor, coordinator of the festival. “This is

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